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Episode 4 "Safety Talk on the Dock" Emergency Response and Preparedness on a Marine Terminal

Writer: Kristina BowdenKristina Bowden

In Episode 4 of Safety Talk on the Dock, industry-renowned expert Cindy Tait, President, and Founder of The Center for Healthcare Education, and I discuss emergency response and preparedness on marine terminals.

You are a waterfront worker and get a call over the radio "help, there's been an emergency and I need help!" Your mind races quickly and in that moment, would you know what to do and how to respond? Where's your equipment and what are your resources? What's your terminal's emergency action plan and what part do you play in it? We start the episode with a quote from the book titled "The Book of Survival" by Anthony Greenbank. He wrote "To live through an impossible situation, you don't need to have the reflexes of a Grand Prix driver, the muscles of a Hercules, the mind of an Einstein. You simply need to know what to do."

In this episode of Safety Talk on the Dock, Cindy Tait and I will be talking through these points in detail.

Time Stamps

[8:48] We are very passionate about delivering high education to adults [9:28] The conversation today is not an ending point but a starting point [10:10] Explain what our listeners need to know to do in an emergency [10:50] Applicable standards for the waterfront (referenced below). If you haven't referenced your PCMSC in a while, read it. [14:29] As a best practice, companies should provide Foreman with a document containing EAP highlights [15:11] Trauma kit versus a bobo box [16:10] Preparedness is a mindset [17:55] Proactive versus reactive mindset and in safety you need both. An emergency is a reactive situation. But your team’s reaction makes all the difference in how you proactively prepare. Reactivity is unavoidable; therefore, prep your staff to ensure the reaction is well prepared. We don't want a bunch of chicken littles. [21:01] Different levels of first responders; first aid, advanced first aid, DOT 56-hour classes; Confident and confidence post drills [23:33] Benefits of tabletop exercises [25:10] Tribute to Mr. Sears - when you do anything, know what tools you have at your disposal; know what your resources are [26:01] In drills, you see which leaders emerge [27:35] Hierarchy of management staff and union personnel

  • C suite - holds the purse strings and funding is necessary to support these operations

  • Safety Managers - plan and facilitate; examples with a scavenger hunt and help you work within current resources

  • Operations Staff and Foreman - know where your equipment is and what your resources are. Debriefing is essential post-incident.

[32:09] Minimal equipment for a high-hazard environment

  • AEDs - 3-minute brisk walk to the AED and back according to the American Heart Association

  • Trauma Bags

  • Windsocks

  • Rescue cages - MOU in PCMSC

  • Life rings and attached 90 feet of line

  • Stokes baskets

  • Signage

[40:50] If you work on a marine terminal and don't know where this equipment is located, you've been assigned homework to locate it. [41:19] Lighting for 2nd and 3rd shift work [41:45] Response

1. Arrive on the scene and ensure it's safe; you can't help if you are dead or hurt and scan the scene for DOT placards

  • Ideal levels of Response: Collateral responders, Basic First Responders, Emergency Response Team

  • Cindy's recommendation - 10% of all staff on the terminal plus all foremen are trained in CPR/First Aid

2. Don't forget to call 911

  • Know your terminal's specific procedures

  • Identify your emergency water resources

3. Don't forget your mechanics

[51:12] Patient assessment; conscious versus unconscious [54:46] If this then that scenarios [57:18] Emergencies at home

  • Cindy lists what she carries in her car and her recommendation for 3 days of food and supplies

[60:02] Debriefing post incident [61:06] Share your success stories with us

Referenced PCMSC Rules and Standards in this episode

Click here to access the PCMSC

Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs)

  • Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) page 139

  • Locations - Rules 1153, 1605, 17.106

  • Training - Rule 309


  • Ambulance or Emergency Vehicle - Rule 354

  • Emergency Radio Channel - Rule 362

  • Emergency Equipment Location - Rules 1153, 1605, 17.106

First Aid/Injuries

  • Drowning Rescue/Life Rings - Rule 317

  • Facilities Provided - Rule 309

  • First Aid Kit - Rules 313, 314, 316

  • Immediately Provided - Rule 409

  • Injury Investigation And Reports - Rule 410, 602

  • Notice Posted - Rule 316

  • Provided For Hazardous Substance Exposure - Rules 336, 1044, 1104

  • Stretchers - Rule 315

  • Training - Rule 309

Rescue Procedure

  • Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) page 141


This podcast and website represent the opinions of Kristina Bowden and her guests on the show and website. The content here should not be taken as direct safety advice for your workplace. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each worksite is unique, please consult your site's specific safety plan for questions.

Views and opinions expressed in this podcast and website are our own and do not represent that of our places of work, waterfront companies, or unions. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurate, we welcome any comments, suggestions, or corrections of errors.

This website or podcast should not be used in any legal capacity whatsoever, including by not limited to establishing a consulting relationship or as a basis for expert witness testimony. No guarantee is given regarding the accuracy of any statements or opinions made on the podcast or website.

In no way does listening, reading, emailing, or interacting on social media or through the website establish a consulting agreement or relationship.

If you find any errors in any of the content of this podcast or blog, please send a message through the “contact” page.

This podcast is owned by “West Coast Resource Services, Inc.”



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